Mom and Chelsea landed in London almost a month ago and stayed with us for about 10 days.
We had a wonderful visit with them, full of lots of "doing" and "non-doing." Actually, this trip had more more running around than we normally have in one of their week-long visits. But in the past few years, the "doing" of the visits is usually more house projects and less sight-seeing. (Okay, enough rambling.)
They arrived around noon on a school day, and I thought that they would come home from the airport and sleep for a bit until Jayce got home from school. They didn't. Hannah did, but they didn't.
And I couldn't resist taking pictures of us all doing random normal stuff. Hanging out in the kitchen, playing with a new lego set that Grandma had brought, Hannah washing the cupboards, (this is one of her chores you know). But we had that funny surreal experience where we felt like 2 of our worlds were colliding: our family here in our flat in London. It was weird and nice and happy and fun.
And I got a million pictures. Okay, not really, but a thousand.
I have no intention of sharing them all, but weeding through them and pulling out my favorites is what has kept me from sharing more up until now. But more soon, many more.
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