For Jayce's birthday this year we got him a scooter.
It was a funny thing because he wasn't asking for one, but we knew he would like it and use it a lot. But it was also for Chris and I a little bit. We don't have a car, and even with public transportation we walk a lot. And sometimes it's too much walking for a 5 year old. When we first arrived we noticed that almost all of the kids had scooters and now I know why.
It's the most efficient/easiest way to get your 3-7 year old from spot A to spot B without constant whining, complaining about tireless or boredom, and it's fun. And kind of cool.When Jayce opened it he was pleased. For a minute. Then he went back to the few random things that I got him.
Chris said, "Well that was a bust." But I was sure that it would be a hit, just after the Superhero books and new lego set.
But the real kicker was that Hannah was interested in it and Chris started scooting her around the flat. That got his attention. So we headed outside to try it out.
And I was right, it's a hit.
We took the soccer ball out for Hannah to run around after and that was a hit too.
When she saw that she couldn't scoot just yet, she decided to explore the little sidewalks/gardens between the flats and I just followed her and let her roam.
But eventually she did get her turn and was delighted.
So in the end, I was right about the scooter.
Jayce rode it to and from school every day since his birthday. He's really proud of it and himself, and is serious about the rules: walking it across the street, wearing his helmet, and slowing down a bit before he loses control. On his first day he would stop periodically to look back and wave at me or give me a thumbs up, and my heart swelled with pride.
Also, I didn't have to push a stroller that he was also riding on, or coax a very tired and whiny boy every 20 feet or so on the way home after school. And you can't put a price tag on success like that.
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