Hannah. You should know that right now, at this exact age, (22-ish months), is where your dad and I would like to freeze you.
You are SO fun. So so fun.
You are chattering all the time. Walking around the house, being pushed in your stroller, riding the bus, playing with your toys-it doesn't matter. You are narrating what you see, reacting to it, telling us about it, and engaging in it, and with your ever expanding vocabulary and baby pronunciation, it is often a joy to listen.
Oh! A cat!! Hi cat!! Meow. Mommy, a cat go? Where gone cat? Ca-at! Where are you cat?! Oh, flower!! Mom, flower! Bu-ful flower. Smell flower? Delicious. (Yes she thinks flowers smell delicious.)
As I'm typing this out, I realize that it sounds a little crazy and maybe a bit much. And sometimes it is. But it is so funny too. More and more of the baby babble are actual words and it is a delight to hear you actually speaking in little fragmented sentences.
Daddy! A chocolate cookie! Come on!
Listening to the joy in your voice as you react to the things around you makes it almost impossible not get excited with you.
Daddy! A chocolate cookie! Come on!
Listening to the joy in your voice as you react to the things around you makes it almost impossible not get excited with you.
You are repeating what you hear in hilariously appropriate times. It just makes me laugh how spot on you normally are.
Yesterday I loudly exclaimed "Oh no!" to myself when I realized that I had forgotten something. You came running over with a concerned face, and said, "A wrong mommy? You okay?"
If we sneeze or cough, you'll say bless you, "Besh you. Besh you mommy. A cough."
You say "yes sir" now, even to me. I remember Jayce going through the phase of saying "yes sir" to me as well, though he was much older. But it sounds so funny though in your little voice and pronunciation, which sounds like "ye-shu." I smile every time.
There is a live show coming to Richmond this summer, and though your dad isn't happy about it, I think we'll be taking you. You are absolutely delighted every time that it comes on, so I can't wait to see how you'd respond to seeing it in person.
There are a million other things that you do every day that just kill me and try as I may, I just can't get pictures of them all or remember each thing to record here. So if you could just freeze at this age for a little bit, that would be great.
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