And then I screwed it up.
I forgot about the seam allowance to attach the top to the bottom. Then I cut the bodice too tight. And I re-cut the bottom, disassembled and reassembled the top. Detached the skirt, re-attached the new skirt, and realized I still had the same problem as before. And a bunch of other random little things.
And you should see the inside. The finishing is not beautiful.
But the outside still is, and my girl is beautiful in it.
And it cracks me up how 70s it looks, no matter what I do. I had her hair in a pony tail the first time that I tried it on her, and it almost seemed like I was trying to make her look 70s-ish. So I left her hair down this time, but with her fluffy crown and curly flips on the bottom, it still looks 70s. So we're just going with it.
I added a little pin tuck to the back of the dress, and 2 tiny pink buttons to close the bodice. I love it.
1.) I love this fabric, so it's my favorite dress, regardless of the (many) flaws.
2.) I need to stop trying to just "wing it." Patterns and instructions are written by people who know what they're doing, and will save people who don't know what their doing time and frustration in the end.
3.) If #1, then ignore #2. You got that too, right?
Honorable mention:
If your husband is out of town and you're feeling down, good coffee and pretty fabric can't hurt, and it might help.
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