We left the green house and headed out back by the Rose Garden Tea Party that had recently been set up.By this time, we were all pretty pooped. Hannah had already fallen asleep in her stroller, and Jayce was trying to fall asleep.So we stopped off one of the paths, parked Hannah in the shade in her stroller, and Chris and Jayce grabbed a sunny spot nearby for a mid-day, full-sun snooze.I thought it was kind of funny and just wanted to take pictures, but it turns out that Jayce couldn't sleep, so he joined me,and we took some pictures together.Then he wanted to use the big camera for a bit,one of his pictures, above, and I took one of him with my phone, in another one of those "I'm taking a picture of him taking a picture of me" circles like I've talked about before.Then we found one of those machines that presses your penny and turns it into a souvenir and Jayce was SO excited about it, as you can see. In Hannah's sunglasses. And the rest is history.
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