1.) I realized the other day that my last portrait was from 10 months ago, and I should probably take my own picture more than once a year. Since January was my month of photography, it was the perfect time, and I got one that I'm happy with. Funnily, (maybe?), I had to do this a few different times: some of the times I was more dolled up, my hair fixed, looking cute (kind of), with makeup, etc. But when I would look at them later, I would think, "This looks like 'dressed up me'" or something like that.
But I think that this one just looks like me. This is what I look like most of the time, hair up, glasses, and this thick scarf (because it's cold!). If it was zoomed out, I would be wearing sweats and holding a cup of tea. (Again, the cold thing). Perhaps this is my residual self image?
I'll write more about the month of photography and my class in another post, but the gist of it is, as expected, it was good and bad.
The good: Through my class I learned. That was the goal and I had some success.
The bad: In order to learn, I ended up taking lots of photos of inanimate objects while my kids were sleeping. And I don't like this. I needed to do it in order to learn several of the technical things and new methods, and it was impossible to photograph my children when I was spending so much time staring at the back of my camera and switching the settings around.
This all solidified something that I kind of already knew, I do like photography, but what I really like is family photography. Particularly my family.
When I sat down at the end of the day to edit photos of the snow or our flat or the buildings, even the ones that turned out beautifully, I just wasn't into it. I wasn't excited to see how the images turned out or eager to play around tweaking them here or there like I usually am.
I remember talking through this with a friend who really enjoys outdoor photography, and I had said, "I almost never see a beautiful building or landscape and think, 'I want to take pictures of that! ' I think, 'I want to take pictures of my kids playing in front of that.'"
So there's that.
It also inspired Hannah to start saying "puppy," something that she has never said before, preferring to call dogs "ruff ruffs." But now, if she sees some white squares in a bowl, will yell "Puppy! Puppy!" until we give her some. Not that she's the boss around here.
Happy Friday! These days I'm just as excited as a kid out of school about the weekend. :)
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