Jayce had his preschool Christmas program just before we left town for Akron.
It was pretty standard as far as 3 and 4 year old programs go. Only 4 songs, (or was it 5?) It was over in 15 minutes.
Jayce was in the front row, third from the right. He stood next to his two best buddies in his class, Beren and Eli. We kept laughing at these three, they looked very ornery together.
The kids were all a little shy and unsure looking when they first came out. It was in the gym at their school, and the whole school (K-8) came in for the performance, in addition to the parents and family members, so I'm sure they were a little intimidated. Luckily we were all in the front row, so Jayce saw us, gave a little wave, and yelled "Hi Mom!!"
They did a great job. I love when little kids sing and it sounds more like they're all just shouting together, not singing. It cracks me up.
Jayce wouldn't tell us much about the program ahead of time, or sing us the songs, but periodically while he was playing he would start singing "up on the rooftop reindeer pause..." so I figured that would make it into the mix. It did.
Luckily the program was filled with plenty of dancing and motions, which was what I was hoping for.
I got some video with Chris' phone of the performance when I wasn't scooting around the gym trying to get a better angle for my pictures, much to Chris' embarrassment. The video is dreadful, but it's a little clip of the performance. Enjoy.
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